Important Announcement
Sundays at 10:00 am
YouTube messages from
Pastor Vicky will be available on
Sundays at 10 am
Facebook, email and website.
We will find a way to pray together. May God bless and protect you.
The Church Office remains open. If you have any immediate needs or know of anyone who has immediate needs, please call Pastor Vicky 908-338-7429 or the church office 609-822-5050.

A message from the Pastor ...
There are quite a few entertainment-type contest shows on TV—American Idol, World of Dance, The Voice, Masked Singer—to name a few. But nothing, in my mind, really beats Dancing with the Stars. Wow! Those dancers (pros and celebrities) expended 110% (or more) energy and effort as they tried to win the Mirror Ball Trophy.
Obviously, no one can keep up their pace for very long—it has to take a toll on their bodies. But it says something to me about the way we humans are able to put in 100% of ourselves for things that we think are important.
As Christians, we are asked to put 100% of ourselves into living the kind of life that shows God’s grace and love. One hymn writer put it this way: “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe.” (“Jesus Paid It All”, words by Elvina Hall.) Another famous hymn writer put it this way: “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!” (words by Isaac Watts). Watts’ words come from Paul’s words to the Corinthian Church that we have all been bought with a very high price, and so we owe everything we are—everything we have—to the Lord (I Corinthians 7:23).
That sounds almost impossible to repay—and it is. But what a wonderful way to live life—living for God! Jesus said if we lose our life in him, we actually find it (Matthew 10:39). It sounds like a paradox, but it is actually the truth. As we live our lives for the Lord, we find purpose, we find meaning, we find our true selves.
What does this mean exactly? What are we supposed to do? Here are a couple of suggestions: If God has given you energy, burn that energy in service to God, working to help others. Could it be that you feel disabled or too elderly to do very much in service to God? Honor God with your spirit as you display joy in place of self-pity. Give people the example of living life with gratitude in place of resentment or frustration. Has your heart been broken? Maybe God will be able to use your experiences to be sensitive to the hurts of others.
God can use all parts of us and our life experiences to do His work here on this earth—to be his hands and arms and voice in our broken and hurting world.
As our world begins to normalize (thank God!), I hope you will give honest thought about additional ways you can honor God in your life.
~ Pastor Vicky

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Congratulations to Margate Community Church, Pastor Vicky and
MCC Nursery School!!
Thank you for all of your votes!!
3 years in a row!
Silver: Margate Community Church
3 years in a row!
Silver: Reverend Vicky Ney
(Margate Community Church)
Bronze: Margate Community Church Nursery School